[ Human Cells : Unravel the Mystery of the Human Body ]

All living things are comprised of cells, and the human body is no exception. There are more than 200 different types of cells that make up the human body, and each type is designed to perform a certain function. To be able to truly understand how each part of the body works, it is best to take a look at the body on the cellular level. Here are some interesting facts about cells that can give you an idea of just how wondrous the human body is.

Human Cells are Eukaryotic

As compared to their prokaryotic counterparts, eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus, which is a compartment within the cell where the cell's DNA is enclosed. This makes organisms, like human beings, that are comprised of eukaryotic cells more complex on a cellular level than their prokaryotic counterparts are.

Human Cells are Constantly Regenerating

Most of the body is comprised of somatic cells. When these cells die, they are flushed out of the body through bodily waste. However, before they die, they go through a process called mitosis to produce two daughter cells. The first one takes the form of the mother cell and retains the ability to reproduce, while the second one takes the place of the mother cell and performs its function until it dies as well. Sex cells, however, reproduce through a process called meiosis.

Antioxidants Help to Keep Human Cells Healthy

Healthy cells of any type have one common enemy, which is oxidation. This is why it is important to eat food with plenty of antioxidants to help to keep cells healthy and functioning properly. Foods such as berries, artichokes, beans, apples, potatoes and dark chocolate are all rich in antioxidants and can help to fight oxidation when they are made a part of a healthy diet.

Cells in the Brain and Nervous System do Not Reproduce

Unlike the somatic cells that reproduce through mitosis, brain cells and other cells that make up the central nervous system are not able to reproduce. This is the reason why people who suffer severe damage to their brains or spinal cords are generally unable to recover from their injuries.

Not all Brain Cells are Neurons

While neurons are the heart and soul of the brain and the rest of the central nervous system, they are supported by a group of cells called glial cells, more commonly known as glia. These cells keep the neurons in their place and supply them with oxygen and other essential nutrients.

Understanding how cells work helps us to take better care of our bodies. The list above contains only a fraction of the amazing facts that we can learn about human cells. You do not have to be a doctor or a biologist to learn more about human cell facts, as there are many easy-to-understand information packets available online for you to browse through in order to learn more about human cells.


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